In 2014, Lukas McFarlance debuted his company UnTitled with is first full-length show 'Exposed'. This critically acclaimed show has now been transformed into a cinematic masterpiece now available to watch online.
Take a journey into a metaphorical and dark fantastical realm, not of this world. Follow one naïve boy’s journey as he learns the truths and stories of the world's victims and exposes the unheard secrets and disturbing ways of its tyrants. Can he accept his own truths in time to save the people he loves?
'Exposed - The Film' is available to purchase now. In order to access, click on the link below and you will be taken to PayPal to complete your purchase, once payment has been processed, a link and password will be emailed to you to login and enjoy the show.
"Exposed was a lifelong dream of mine - to create a full-length work with a message, one in which I could express my voice openly. I have been through and experienced a lot from the time I made the move to London almost 5 years ago. Because of the opportunities placed in front of me and the success’s I worked for in my career to build up my name in the UK, I have the opportunity to create my own work as a choreographer and a creative and have people want to come and see it.
In November 2014 I debuted my show Exposed for a 2-night premiere in London. I did this completely funded by myself with 16 dancers who donated 3 months of their time to create and perform the work. We performed to 2 fully sold out audiences with no marketing other than social media. The show utilises each of the unique artists’ talents and strengths. My drive in putting on a piece of work like this has always been to give talented artists with unique ways of moving an opportunity for their voice to be heard.
It was a journey into a metaphorical and dark fantastical realm not of this world following one naïve boy’s journey as he learns the truths and stories of the world's victims and exposes the unheard secrets and disturbing ways of its tyrants. It was the beginning of the company and performance I will never forget."